Mouse USB LC Power LC-M710B Optical Black
Mouse USB LC Power LC-M710B Optical Black
Mouse USB LC Power LC-M710B Optical Black

Kategorija: Miševi

SKU: mis001229A00000


Mouse USB LC Power LC-M710B Optical Black

MP cena:


WEB cena:

510 RSD


80 RSD

Cena za kupovinu na rate:

    • Besplatna dostava

      Za porudžbine preko 15.000 RSD

      pod uslovom da je paket lakši od 5kg

    • Sigurna kupovina

      Kupujte kod

      proverenog prodavca

    • Brza isporuka

      Očekivani rok otpreme

      1-3 radna dana

    • Tehnička podrška

      Pomoć pri kupovini

      069 57 50 555

      011 445 9365

    Opis proizvoda


    The optical sensor technology is one of the most significant upgrades by computer mice.
    Through the replacement of the control ball and all other movable parts, which were in the past necessary for the movement, now the optical mouse is nonwearing and more precise than a normal mouse with control ball ever will be.

    No incalculable mouse movements anymore
    The optical sensor gives 800 signals per second to the digital signal processor, whereby unwanted jumps will be avoid, which appear by normal mice with control ball.

    No cleaning necessary
    Through the economise from moveable parts you haven´t any pollution, which makes the optical mouse almost maintenance-free.
    No mouse pad necessary
    The mouse is so accurate that it can be used on almost every flush surface.
    Easy side navigation
    The scroll wheel allows you to browse and search easily in documents and in the World Wide Web.
    Plug and Play with USB connector
    OS support: Windows 98 / ME / 2000 / XP / Vista / 7, Mac OS
    Dimension: 103 x 69,5 x 36mm
    Weight mouse: 75g
    Weight retail: 93g
    Cable length: 1,55m
    Barcode: 4260070122835
    Manufacturer code: LC-M710B
    Garancija 2 godine

    Specifikacije proizvoda


    Besplatna dostava

    Besplatna isporuka na kućnu adresu je omogućena za narudžbine u vrednosti preko 15.000 dinara i ukoliko je paket lakši od 5kg.

    Sigurna kupovina je web shop koji nudi širok asortiman proizvoda po povoljnim cenama, a pritom se posebno fokusira na sigurnost svojih kupaca. Kako bi se osigurala sigurna kupovina na Frog web shopu, web stranica zaštićena SSL certifikatom koji šifrira podatke koji se unose prilikom kupovine.

    Brza isporuka

    Vreme isporuke je obično 1 do 2 dana, ali zavisi od toga kada je izvršena narudžbina, odnosno kada je evidentirana uplata (ukoliko avansno ili virmanski plaćate naručene proizvode).

    Tehnička podrška je web shop koji pruža kvalitetnu tehničku podršku svim svojim kupcima. Tim stručnjaka za podršku kupcima je dostupan pozivom na jedan od sledećih brojeva telefona 011 / 44 59 365 ili 069 / 57 50 555 ili slanjem pošte na sledeći e-mail